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Weight loss and foods that are better choices for Fiber

Are there magic foods that we can eat all day and still lose weight? No seriously: Are there? Please tell me! So far I haven’t found any… But there are some foods that are relatively low in calories yet have high nutritive value, either because they are high in fiber, phytonutrients such as antioxidants, or high in protein. These are foods to keep handy in the pantry, refrigerator, or garden and eat daily. Train your family – particularly children – to snack on these top ten foods rather than chips and sodas and you’ll be ahead of the nutrition curve before you know it!

Fiber is critical. Remember your grandmother telling you to eat more “roughage”? Well she was right! We need at least 25 grams a day, and ideally 35 grams a day, for a healthy bowel. I think the correlation between high fiber diets and lower cancer rates is not just from fiber but is synergistic, since most high fiber diets are high in fruits and vegetables, which are also high in antioxidants and other phytonutrients. But, fiber is clearly also very important and few Americans get enough.

Here is my current top ten list of high fiber low calorie foods:

  1. Raspberries rank as one of the highest high fiber low calorie foods, at 8.0 grams of fiber and just 64 calories per serving (1-cup) (1 calorie per raspberry!).
  2. Pears have about 5.1 grams of fiber and only 51 calories for a medium sized pear. They are easy to pack in a lunch and store well.
  3. Apples provide about 4.4 grams of fiber, at roughly 55 calories for a small apple. Choose organic as apples are on the EWG dirty dozen list 2012.
  4. Blueberries provide about 3.5 grams of fiber, and roughly 40 calories for 50 berries. Choose organic as blueberries are on the EWG dirty dozen list 2012.
  5. Strawberries provide about 3.3 grams of fiber and average about 2 calories per strawberry. Choose organic as strawberries are on the EWG dirty dozen list 2012.
  6. Black beans – 1 cup has 15 grams of fiber – along with 15 grams of protein – and just 227 calories[9]
  7. Whole-wheat spaghetti weighs in at 6.3 g of fiber per serving and approximately 174 calories per 1-cup serving (always check the label as brands vary try gluten free)
  8. One cup of steel oatmeal provides 4.0 grams of fiber and about 60 calories per serving
  9. Whole wheat or multigrain breads offer 1.9 grams per slice and some start at 65 calories per slice (always check the label as brands vary – a lot!!!) (Again try gluten free)
  10. Cooked peas, at a whopping 8.8 g of fiber and a low 67 calories per cup serving size. Turn a cup of peas into instant soup with a stick blender and some vegetable stock.

I help others overcome their limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck, broke and unhealthy to create balance, time freedom and health!  You can find me at or via email at sign up for my free green smoothies!

Menopause and Diabetes Health

Diabetes hits women hard, especially at midlife. In the United States, it’s the number 6 killer of women ages 45 to 54 and the number 4 killer of women ages 55 to 64. What’s more, diabetes increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and many other serious conditions, including blindness, kidney disease, and nerve disease. What’s sad if you don’t die from diabetes but the effects of the disease. Today we are seeing an increase in the number of type II diabetes especially in obese people age 40 and older. Type 1 is less common and usually starts in childhood.

Does menopause increase diabetes risk? That hasn’t been an easy question for researchers to answer. It’s hard to separate the effects of menopause from the effects of age and weight. But it does look like hormones do have something to do with it. If you are a woman over age 50, you’re especially vulnerable, and women pay a heavy price for the disease. They lose more years of life than men with diabetes do. In addition, the death rate for women with diabetes has risen dramatically since the 1970s, while it has not for men with the disease. This can be for many reasons, but for women having high blood pressure develop during pregnancy (preeclampsia), diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes), or polycystic ovary syndrome can raise the risk dramatically.

What can you do? Well, here are a few tips – get tested! So many women don’t pay attention to their bodies and the signs. The American Diabetes Association recommends that you get tested every three years starting at age 45. If you have high blood pressure, more often is recommended. Type II diabetes was thought to be family history, but now we know this is lifestyle onset. It can be prevented! Diet and exercise – overweight equals high risk to insulin resistance and type II diabetes. If nothing else, get walking! Weight bearing exercise is highly recommended especially for women and their bones. Being a holistic health coach I highly recommend high quality supplements and the use of essential oils to help regulate the blood sugar. This along with a healthy low glycemic food plan can reduce the levels to a normal range. Pay attention to your body!

I help people overcome their limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck, broke and unhealthy to create balance, time freedom and restore their health! You can find me at or via email at


Menopause and Unwanted Facial Hair

So I can remember the first time I noticed these long hairs on my chin!  What the heck is that and where did it come from?  Do you remember in church the old lady with hair like a mustache or chin hairs that were like all over the place.  Unwanted facial hair can be different for every woman, from a few hairs on the chin, light growth on the upper lip or heavy and beard like. Menopause can be associated with facial hair due to the hormonal changes. Some medications (and certain hormone replacement products) may cause a certain degree of facial hair.  Or to be more precise, the relationship between levels of estrogen and testosterone.

When estrogen predominates a woman’s face typically has fine, short and almost invisible like facial hair.  Men in contrast have the longer coarse darker beard type hair.  The key hormone that controls the hair on the face is dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  The higher the DHT the facial hair goes from invisible to coarse.  As menopause approaches and estrogen levels drop, there’s an increase of DHT in the hair follicle.  This can produce unwanted hair in places like the chin, jaw line, cheeks, and even the forehead!  Just remember that you are not alone.

So when we see that first hair our first instinct is to pluck right?  The problem with that, however, is that plucking can actually stimulate the hair follicle into active growth, which produces more hair.  Shaving, electrolysis, and laser can have their issues and can be expensive.  Do what is right for you and know that this doesn’t last forever.  Menopause is a journey we as women all have to take so embrace the journey.  I help women overcome this journey to see light on the other side.  I am passionate about helping women in menopause with natural solutions without side effects.

You can find me at or via email at sign up for my free smoothies and newsletter!


Peanuts – How They Hurt Your Health!

Peanuts are grown on the soil and stored moist in silos which then cause them to grow a type of fungus called aflatoxins which can affect the health of your gut. Peanuts are one of the most common allergens today and have been linked to food sensitivities, leaky gut and a slow metabolism.  This aflatoxin in peanuts can compete with probiotics in your gut which we know damages digestive health.  Also, peanuts are very high in omega-6 fatty acids which can cause serious inflammation in the body.  For these many reasons, peanut butter is a metabolism death food!

Wikipedia definition – Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are produced by Aspergillus and Aspergillus parasiticus, species of fungi. The name was created around 1960 after the discovery that the source of turkey X disease was Aspergillus flavustoxins .[1] Aflatoxins are toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known.[2]After entering the body, aflatoxins may be metabolized by the liver to a reactive expoxide intermediate or hydroxylated to become the less harmful aflatoxin M1.

If you want to start revving up your metabolism then make a switch to cashew or almond butter.  Almonds are high in an amino acid L-arginine which increases HGH production in your body.  This is turn causes your body to build lean muscle which sends your metabolism sky high!  Just 1 tbsp spoon of almond butter with celery, in a smoothie or with some apples are great snacks to re-ignite your metabolism.

If you would like to work with me on how to overcome limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, broke and unhealthy to create balance and time freedom, you can find me at or via email