Is There an Upside to Stress?

This is a tricky question because the answer is yes and no.  We need the powerful fight or flight hormones our bodies produce to help us with danger or situations that are unexpected.  Or say a deadline for school, work, or when the taxi cab driver almost runs you over in the crosswalk.  I was in Washington, D.C. yesterday and I felt this happen when a tour bus almost hit a kid who crossed without looking!  Our brains perceive physical or psychological stress, it then starts pumping cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine into the body.  Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure increases, your senses sharpen, and a rise in your blood glucose invigorates you.  You can feel all this happening and fast!  So this is a good thing.  It’s a small short term stress.  Here’s the key- balance.

The long term effect of too much stress is a break down in the body and you actually become sick.  Your immune system is taxed and now you find yourself dragging, lethargic, and you may be overeating or under eating.  Pay attention to your body’s stress meter and keep it from going to the underwhelmed or the overwhelmed.  Here are some signs to look for especially in menopause ~ mental fogginess, frequent colds, joints that ache, back pain, psoriasis, inflammation, weight gain or weight loss and over all lack of life.

I personally use many essential oils for stress and menopausal systems.  They can be life savers.  Remember that we all have stress in our lives.  The key is to find balance because stress is both good and bad all at the same time!  If you want to learn more about how I coach my clients with essential oils please check out my website at or email me at





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